Cranes Lochaven Lodge Upgrades 2022

Our electrical upgrade is finally complete and certified by the Electrical Safety Authority. As you can imagine, this was a major undertaking. A big thank you to Luc Charles Electrical, LTD for taking on the project and seeing it though to the end. Luc and team worked very hard to bring all buildings to ESA Standards.
We really appreciate their hard work with minimal interruption to our operation. Can’t say enough! We extend a further thank you to BWR Power and Lighting. Many of you will recall when we ran into issues with the initial subcontractor accountable for the pole installation. The issues were so significant it brought production to a halt preventing us from competing the project in 2021. BWR Power and Lighting took over in the spring and cleaned up their mess. They did an outstanding job at installing 13 rock anchor poles, running new wires and worked with the electricians to complete the hook up to the newly installed masts. Here’s a bonus…the poles came equipped with sensor lights that now light up the trails. The island looks incredible from the river at night.
Other improvements….
- Added a new pontoon boat to the fleet (brings our total to twelve)
- Purchased a new 50 KW generator. The 2016 is still functional to act as a backup
- Bathroom renovation in cabins 8, 9 and 16 which involved replacing the bathtub/shower units, toilets, bathroom vanities and floors
- Replaced carpets with vinyl wood flooring in 8 guests cabins
- Changed many ceiling fans and light fixtures
- Built a wood shed (already stocked for spring)
- Cleared a number of trees at the back cabins making an even better view of the river
Upcoming renovation…
- Bathroom renovation in cabins 1, 5 and 10
- Replace carpet with vinyl wood flooring in one remaining cabin
- Continue to replace ceiling and bathroom fans and light fixtures
- Complete the puzzle renovation (house on the hill). We are looking for a contractor(s) to complete this job so if anyone is interested in bidding on it please be in contact with us.